We all need help now and then. As an Interfaith and Evangelistic Minister, Rev. Lena Sheehan has seen, and definitely believes in, miracles. She combines her spiritual connection with her metaphysical knowledge of the power of thought and prayer to assist those in need by way of Treatments.

A Treatment is when Lena works with the Universal Energies set forth by the Infinite Creator to assist in shifting a "situation" for you. (I.E. Health Matter, Court Outcome, Job Search, Relationship Issues, etc.)

The treatment is done by remote and is done in corrolation with the recipient's "higher self". A specific time for the treatment is set and instructions for the recipient to follow are emailed prior to the scheduled treatment time, along with a FAQ list.

Please note that  Lena does not always accept a request for Treatments. She accepts only those that she is guided to accept by Spirit. Should your request be declined, she will do her best to direct you to a competent lay person who may be more compatible with your energy vibration.

The fee for a private general treatment performed is $150.00
[A general treatment involves Lena placing you in the Love and Protection of Divine Light each night for 21 days]

You may also request a treatment for a specific situation or to have your home cleansed of negative energies (including spirits) by remote.. The fee for a specific treatment is $500.00.

mail me with the specifics of your treament request after the payment has been completed.

Please consider your service order carefully.  Once the service is provided by Lena there are no refunds or payment plans.
Private General Treatment
Specific Treatment